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Series Editor: Luis C. Ho

© Copyright 2004 The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington

Volume 1: Coevolution of Black Holes and Galaxies
Edited by L. C. Ho

The proper bibliographical citation for the invited papers (bold face titles and authors) is:

Lastname, Initials 2004, in Carnegie Observatories Astrophysics Series, Vol. 1: Coevolution of Black Holes and Galaxies, ed. L. C. Ho (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press), in press

More information on the bound volume, including how to purchase it, is available from Cambridge University Press at this link.

The proper bibliographical citation for the non-invited papers is:

Lastname, Initials 2004, in Carnegie Observatories Astrophysics Series, Vol. 1: Coevolution of Black Holes and Galaxies, ed. L. C. Ho (Pasadena: Carnegie Observatories, http://www.ociw.edu/ociw/symposia/series/symposium1/proceedings.html)

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List of Participants
L. C. Ho
The Stellar-Dynamical Search for Supermassive Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei
J. Kormendy
IFU Observations of the Black Hole in NGC 3377
N. Cretton, Y. Copin, E. Emsellem, and P. T. de Zeeuw
Black Holes in Active Galaxies
A. J. Barth
Supermassive Black Holes in Bulges
M. Sarzi
STIS Spectroscopy of Nuclear Gas Disks in Radio-loud, Early-type Galaxies
J. Noel-Storr, S. A. Baum, G. A. Verdoes Kleijn, C. P. O'Dea, R. P. van der Marel, P. T. de Zeeuw, J. H. van Gorkom, and C. M. Carollo
What Drives the Central Velocity Dispersion in Nearby Early-type Galaxies?
G. A. Verdoes Kleijn, R. P. van der Marel, and J. Noel-Storr
AGN Black Hole Masses and Bulge Velocity Dispersions
R. F. Green, C. H. Nelson, and T. Boroson
Evidence for Early Black Hole Growth
M. Vestergaard
Black Hole Mass and Accretion Disk Structure in Mrk 110
W. Kollatschny
Reverberation Mapping of High-redshift, High-luminosity Quasars
S. Kaspi, H. Netzer, D. Maoz, O. Shemmer, W. N. Brandt, and D. P. Schneider
The Black Hole Mass - Luminosity Relation for Flat-spectrum Quasars
M. J. Jarvis and R. J. McLure
Black Hole Masses in Radio-loud Quasars
A. Oshlack, R. Webster, and M. Whiting
X-ray Variability of AGNs and its Use as a Black Hole Scale Measure
K. Hayashida
X-ray Fluctuation Power Spectral Densities of Seyfert 1 Galaxies
M. Markowitz et al.
Black Hole Masses and the Fundamental Plane of BL Lac Objects
R. Falomo, N. Carangelo, J. K. Kotilainen, and A. Treves
Velocity Dispersion and Black Hole Mass in Seyfert 1 Galaxies
C. H. Nelson, R. F. Green, G. A. Bower, K. Gebhardt, and D. Weistrop
Intermediate-mass Black Holes in the Universe: A Review of Formation Theories and Observational Constraints
R. P. van der Marel
The Central Mass Concentration in M15
J. Gerssen, R. P. van der Marel, K. Gebhardt, P. Guhathakurta, R. C. Peterson, and C. Pryor
Is NGC 6752 Hosting a Single or a Binary Black Hole?
M. Colpi, M. Mapelli, and A. Possenti
X-ray Observations of the Intermediate-mass Black Hole in M82
H. Matsumoto
The Supermassive Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way
A. M. Ghez
The First Nonlinear Structures and the Reionization History of the Universe
Z. Haiman
Adiabatic Growth of Massive Black Holes
S. Sigurdsson
Formation of Supermassive Black Holes: Simulations in General Relativity
S. L. Shapiro
The Growth of Supermassive Black Holes and QSO Formation
M. Umemura
Dense Gas-star Systems: Evolution of Supermassive Stars
P. Amaro-Seoane and R. Spurzem
Gas-dynamical Processes in Dense Nuclei
C. J. Clarke
Formation of Massive Black Holes in Dense Star Clusters
F. A. Rasio, M. Freitag, and M. A. Gürkan
Gravitational Cold Collapse with Supermassive Black Holes
F. Cruz and H. Velazquez
The Dynamics of Supermassive Black Holes in a Gaseous Medium
A. Escala, R. B. Larson, P. S. Coppi, and D. Mardones
Dynamical Growth of Black Holes and the Black Hole Mass - Velocity Dispersion Relation
J. D. MacMillan and R. N. Henriksen
Accretion onto Black Holes
R. D. Blandford
Detection of the Direction of the Rotation of the Accretion Disk or Spinning Black Hole
K. Asada, M. Inoue, Y. Uchida, and S. Kameno
Photon-trapping Effects in Supercritical Accretion Flows onto Black Holes
K. Ohsuga and S. Mineshige
Accretion Rate Sequence and Unification of Radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei
J.-M. Wang, L. C. Ho, and R. Staubert
QSO Lifetimes
P. Martini
Growth of Massive Black Holes
Q. Yu
A Scenario for the Coevolution of an Elliptical Galaxy and a QSO
N. Kawakatu, M. Umemura, and M. Mori
Fueling Gas to the Central Region of Galaxies
K. Wada
The Role of Inner Density Waves in Fueling Galactic Nuclei
E. Emsellem
Mass of the Central Black Hole and Gas Flow around it in Galaxies without and with Asymmetries
W. Maciejewski
The AGN-Disk Dynamics Connection
J. A. Sellwood and Juntai Shen
The Survival of Bars with Central Mass Concentrations
Juntai Shen and J. A. Sellwood
Stellar Tidal Processes Near Massive Black Holes
T. Alexander
Follow-up STIS Spectroscopy of Three Candidate Tidal Disruption Events
S. Gezari, J. Halpern, S. Komossa, D. Grupe, and K. Leighly
A New X-ray Probe for Supermassive Black Holes in Nearby (Inactive) Galaxies
S. Komossa
Black Holes and the Central Structure of Early-type Galaxies
T. R. Lauer
Central Surface Brightness Profiles in Brightest Cluster Galaxies
S. Laine, R. P. van der Marel, T. R. Lauer, M. Postman, C. P. O'Dea, and F. N. Owen
The Inner Properties of Late-type Galaxies
C. M. Carollo
Nuclear Clusters and Massive Black Holes in Spiral Galaxies
M. A. Hughes, D. J. Axon, A. Alonso-Herrero, and C. Scarlata
Nuclear Star Clusters in Bulgeless Galaxies
C. J. Walcher, N. Häring, T. Böker, H.-W. Rix, R. van der Marel, J. Gerssen, L. C. Ho, and J. C. Shields
Influence of Black Holes on Stellar Orbits
K. Gebhardt
Inner and Outer Photometric Structure of Elliptical Galaxies
A. W. Graham, P. Erwin, I. Trujillo, and A. Asensio Ramos
Single and Binary Black Holes and their Influence on Nuclear Structure
D. Merritt
Interpreting the Nuclear Cusp Slopes and Cores in Early-type Galaxies
S. Ravindranath, L. C. Ho, and A. V. Filippenko
Dynamical Modeling of SAURON Galaxies
M. Cappellari, R. C. E., van den Bosch, E. K. Verolme, R. Bacon, M. Bureau, Y. Copin, R. L. Davies, E. Emsellem, D. Krajnovic, H. Kuntschner, R. McDermid, B. W. Miller, R. F. Peletier, and P. T. de Zeeuw
Rotation Curve vs. Central Spiral-bar Structure in Nearby Galaxies
C. Yuan, L.-H. Lin, and Y.-H. Chen
Supermassive Black Holes: Demographics and Implications
D. Richstone
The Correlation between Supermassive Black Hole Mass and the Structure of Ellipticals and Bulges
P. Erwin, A. W. Graham, and N. Caon
Relation between Black Hole Mass and Bulge Mass: A Simulation Study
Y. N. Fu, J. H. Huang, and Z. G. Deng
Relations between Massive Black Holes in AGN and their Host Galaxies
A. Wandel
The Black Hole - Bulge Mass Correlation in AGNs: A Test of the Simple Unified Formation Scheme
Y. P. Wang, P. L. Biermann, and A. Wandel
Black Hole Demography from Nearby Active Galactic Nuclei
L. C. Ho
The AGN Population and its Luminosity Function in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
L. Hao and M. A. Strauss
XMM-Newton Survey of a Distance-limited Sample of Seyfert Galaxies
M. Cappi, G. Di Cocco, F. Panessa, L. Foschini, M. Trifoglio, F. Gionotti, J. Stephen, L. Bassani, L., E. Caroli, M. Dadina, A. Comastri, R. Della Ceca, A. V. Filippenko, L. C. Ho, K. Makishima, G. Malaguti, J. S. Mulchaey, G. G. C. Palumbo, E. Piconcelli, W. L. W. Sargent, K. Weaver, and G. Zamorani
Nuclear Accretion and the FR I - FR II Dichotomy
A. Celotti
A Search for Offset Black Holes in LINER Galaxies
L. Dressel
A New Infrared Diagnostic for AGNs using 2MASS and New 10-micron Data
V. Gorjian, M. W. Werner, T. H. Jarrett, D. M. Cole, and M. E. Ressler
The QSO Q0103-260 (z=3.36) in the FORS Deep Field
J. Heidt, I. Appenzeller, S. Noll, and the FDF-Team
HST/NICMOS Imaging of 250 Normal and Active Spirals: Evidence for Morphological Evolution
M. A. Malkan and L. K. Hunt
Black Hole Masses and the FR I--FR II Dichotomy
D. Marchesini, A. Celotti, and L. Ferrarese
The Nature of "Composite" Seyfert/Star-forming Galaxies
F. Panessa, M. Cappi, L. Bassani, M. Dadina, R. Della Ceca, S. Pellegrini, G. Trinchieri, A. Wolter, and G. G. C. Palumbo
The AGN Content of the NOAO Deep Wide Field Survey at Milliarcsecond Resolution
T. A. Rector, J. M. Wrobel, G. B. Taylor, S. T. Myers, and C. D. Fassnacht
The Local Black Hole Mass Function from 2dFGRS Radio Galaxies
E. M. Sadler
Black Holes as Traced by Weak Active Nuclei
J. C. Shields, H-W. Rix, A. J. Barth, A. V. Filippenko, L. C. Ho, D. H. McIntosh, G. Rudnick, W. L. W. Sargent, and M. Sarzi
Double-peaked Broad Emission Lines and the Geometry of Accretion in AGNs
I. Strateva, M. A. Strauss, and L. Hao
The Evolution of Quasars
P. S. Osmer
z ˜ 6 Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
X. Fan, M. A. Strauss, D. P. Schneider, R. H. Becker, R. L. White, and L. Penterricci
A Population of "Ultraluminous" AGNs: Super-Eddington Accretion at High z
E. Szuszkiewicz
Quasar Hosts and the Black Hole-Spheroid Connection
J. S. Dunlop
Lensed Quasar Host Galaxies
C. Y. Peng, C. D. Impey, E. E. Falco, C. R. Keeton, C. S. Kochanek, J. Lehár, B. McLeod, J. Muñoz, H.-W. Rix, and D. Rusin
Luminous Quasars and Their Hosts: Accretion at the Limit?
D. J. E. Floyd
Host Galaxies of z = 4.7 QSOs
J. B. Hutchings
The Evolution of Quasar Host Galaxies
M. J. Kukula
Massive Black Holes at High Redshifts
M. Lacy
The Black Hole Masses of High-redshift Quasars
R. J. McLure and M. J. Jarvis
Star Formation in Active Galaxies: A Spectroscopic Perspective
T. M. Heckman
Stellar Distributions Near Sgr A* and the Host Galaxies of Bright QSOs
N. Z. Scoville
The Frequency of Circumnuclear Starbursts in Seyfert Galaxies - Testing the Starburst-AGN Connection
E. Schinnerer, E. Colbert, L. Armus, N. Z. Scoville, and T. M. Heckman
AGN Feedback Mechanisms
M. C. Begelman
Probing Quasar Outflows: X-ray Insights
S. C. Gallagher, W. N. Brandt, G. Chartas, G. P. Garmire, and R. M. Sambruna
Pieces of the Galaxy Formation Puzzle: Where do Black Holes Fit In?
R. S. Somerville
Joint Formation of Supermassive Black Holes and Galaxies
M. Haehnelt
The Formation of Spheroids Stellar Systems
A. Burkert and T. Naab
Radio Observations of the Highest Redshift QSOs
A. Petric, C. Carilli, F. Bertoldi, X. Fan, and M. Strauss
Massive Black Holes, Gravitational Waves, and Pulsars
D. C. Backer, A. H. Jaffe, and A. N. Lommen
LISA Gravitational Wave Capabilities and the Early Massive Black Hole Formation Process
P. L. Bender and S. E. Pollack
Probing Quasar Evolution through the Black Hole Mass Function and Gravitational Waves
T. Hosokawa and S. Mineshige
Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei and Obscured Accretion
A. C. Fabian
Conference Summary
P. T. de Zeeuw

For more information contact:

Luis Ho
Carnegie Observatories
813 Santa Barbara Street
Pasadena, CA 91101, U.S.A.
Email: lho@ociw.edu
URL: http://www.ociw.edu/ociw/symposia

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